
Antenatal Classes and Bringing Baby Home Education Classes at 13 Moons Medical

At 13 Moons Medical, we are committed to providing comprehensive support and education throughout your journey to parenthood. We offer two valuable classes to help prepare you for the arrival of your baby and ensure a smooth transition into parenthood.

Antenatal Breastfeeding Education Class

Our Antenatal Breastfeeding Education Class is a private group session led by one of our GP Lactation Consultants. This 2.5-hour class (partners are welcome to attend) will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to establish successful breastfeeding.

Topics covered in the class include:
Q&A session to address individual questions and concerns

Included in the class are antenatal colostrum expression syringes and caps, as well as refreshments (tea, coffee, water, and snacks). You will also receive comprehensive handouts with valuable information to support breastfeeding and newborn care.

Class cost: $200 per person (partners can attend at no charge)

Payable at the time of booking.

Bringing Baby Home Class

Our Bringing Baby Home Class is another private group session designed to help you confidently navigate the early days of parenting. Led by Dr Danielle Arabena, this class consists of two consecutive Saturday morning sessions, each lasting two hours. The class is currently offered once a month.

Based on the evidence-based Neuroprotective Developmental Care approach to infant care developed by Dr. Pamela Douglas of the Possums Clinic in Brisbane, our Bringing Baby Home Class empowers you to care for your baby in a responsive and nurturing manner. It is suitable for all parents, whether it’s your first child or not.

Topics covered in the class include:

The class includes refreshments (tea, coffee, water, and morning tea) and extensive handouts containing practical information to assist you in managing newborn care.

Class cost: $200 per person

Payable at the time of booking, and does not attract a Medicare rebate. Cancellations made over 48 hours in advance will receive a full refund, while cancellations made under 48 hours will receive a 50% refund.

Bringing Baby Home from Neonatal Special Care Class

Coming soon.

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